Ambiance Of The Moon Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Ambiance Of The Moon

The moon of love will be your gift
rewarding you with infinity of friendships,
some which will last forever
some which will perish and re-surface
just like the moon that hides and re-appears;
humanity always has a heart that is noble within,
it offers love and care to everyone
at every stage and hour,
those who abide by its condition
gain or lose the support it offers and beholds;
and whether there is a new moon coming
or whether there is a crescent moon smiling
there will never be a time when man will ever
walk on this planet without friends and friendships.
Man has to share his thoughts
and moments of togetherness
with someone, somewhere at some point of time
whether it is the preacher he is inter-acting
or whether it is the doctor he is consulting
as life necessitates dependency and sharing.
Man keeps resorting to mutual agreements of dedication
depicting his own light of concern
for others around him
which is supplementary to his own existence
which is complimentary to his own strength of unity.
And as man keeps walking under the moonlight
even thro' the darkest hours of hope he ventures
to engage his life in finding his dreams of contentment
and as he keeps chasing every opportunity big and small
he keeps looking at the hours on the ticking clock
while the waning moon keeps watching with ambiance
the endless efforts of man and his generations
to preserve the bond of brotherhood and friendships.

Ambiance Of The Moon
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: human condition,nature
Rose Marie Juan-austin 07 October 2018

A beautiful poem with a meaningful message. Vividly conveyed and well crafted write.10++

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