An Age Old Story Poem by Victoria Revier

An Age Old Story

Dancing along the padded floors
Hearing them creak under my figure
The shadows follow my curves and hug me against the walls as I move along
The tears of joy are stains
On the surface of my reality
They choke away my breath and comfort my sobs

Cutting my heart out with your words
To a person basked in the mist of your polar heart
You send me out of my home, banish me away from your vulnerability you send me,
Tumbling and falling down the roads of this town
Shutters open and then close once more
Pine needles pierce my skin,
The weakness of this female form.
The trees wave in the breeze
Revealing hidden residents
My feet are bare
And I am not alone
They watch from a distance
Seeing the tears that glide down my cheeks
Watching me dance along these gravel roads
They wonder
I wonder too,
Some days.
And then I feel these hot tears,
And I know that it doesn't matter
How hopelessly alone I am
Falling and turning
Never expecting
And the blood falls from my soles
Purple claws grasping me
Keeping me here
Telling me
That no one is waiting at the other end.

Swinging from the branches
Of the trees your kin placed here so long ago
I know it is time for a change
And then the tears come once more
And they watch me waltz down those paths
Once more
Always alone
With my friends who don’t approach
They follow in my wake
And push me along
On my way to your heart.

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