An Appreciation For Elizaveta Poem by Daniel Brick

An Appreciation For Elizaveta

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My view of the World, that spinning blue globe,
that mass of six billion others, my view of it
has changed because of knowing you. Now I live
a Doubled Life. You know that first life,
the one we've both endured for decades:
it consists of the dull facts of time
which every moment go t-i-c-k, t-i-c-k, t-i-c-k.
The speed of that time is so relative,
as we rush through our joys and are
stalled in our griefs. In-between we loiter,
waiting expectantly for the next upset
to routine... So I gladly turn to the other
side of the Doubled Life, the side enriched
by our meeting, that partakes of those Luminous Moments,
we both love in Pushkin's poems. And the wonder
of this year resides in a brightness of being
I did not forsee that you shed over me,
awakening with your Light what had dimmed
to near darkness in my Soul. I examine each familiar
object and see it freshly suffused in radiance.
Together, despite being far apart, we witnessed
winter survival give way to spring frivolity,
and an angel was born from the confluence
of our joys. She races across the sky-realm,
and leaves signals in the skies above us
to guide our swift thoughts into each other's
heart. And I have reliable information: this is
only the first miracle! Others will follow
disrupting the rut of time. Oh, rejoice, my friend!
Look there in the sky above your ordinary endeavors:
another angel is tracing her flight
across the arc of space. She is scattering blessings
which will fall to earth like the gentlest rain.
I know this because she has already blessed my city,
and now she fulfills my fondest wish by showering
your St. Petersburg with all good things.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: friendship,visionary
Nosheen Irfan 25 June 2016

How beautifully you describe life...we rush through our joys and are stalled in our between we loiter waiting for the next upset to routine....we witness winter survival give way to spring frivolity. Wonderful image of an angel racing across the sky-realm...belief n faith give us strength. A beautiful tribute to friendships that add color to life n make us believe in miracles.

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Liza Sudina 15 June 2016

Dear Daniel! Thank you! this poem is written in a style very close to me! it sounds a little child-like in the end. I imagine this angel as a small putty with rosy cheeks! Small puttis always seem to joke and love humor. They are not as sad and serious like big church angels! was it close to how you imagined her? Here came an answer in a poem: I’m much impressed, But my Muse is gone. I’m tired of her, And now she is gone. May be Muse is he – Doesn’t matter here - He was breathing hard into my two ears. He was pushing blood Strictly through my veins And by beating rhymes He dictates the way. Sometimes it was sweet Sometimes it felt bad – But you came to greet And to understand. In Russia they say: Witness’s life is short, But smile anyway - It is just a joke. Your life was a bliss! from the part I saw – So continue please Witnessing along!

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