An Autumnal Sonnet Poem by DM W

An Autumnal Sonnet

In this season of memories,
Dreams unravel their strange secrets.
All's a haze of gold, brown and green
Between the sunrise and sunset.
In dreams I see myself fading
Like a trembling, withered flower.
All the sweet birds no longer sing
Of summer's melodic hours.
I cry out in the cold, October dawn.
Then watch the clouds as they drift by
And the fragile leaves as they fall.
Light no longer glints in my eyes.
Life's subtle glories are too brief.
Time deceives. It is a cruel thief.

An Autumnal Sonnet
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: melancholy
Rajnish Manga 08 October 2018

It's a pleasure reading your poems. Like in this poem the autumn and human nature have merged with each other. Both are there in unison to express the anguish of the heart and transitory nature of life. Thanks. All's a haze of gold, brown and green Between the sunrise and sunset. ....Life's subtle glories are too brief. ....Time deceives. It is a cruel thief.

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Akham Nilabirdhwaja Singh 06 October 2018

A nice sonnet on autumn season.

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Dominic Windram 07 October 2018

Thanks Akham...I used the season of Autumn to express melancholy.

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