An Old Man's Reflection Poem by Donald R Wolff JR

An Old Man's Reflection

When I come to the end of the river
Where the smell is so sweet in the air
The fresh water that flowed from the mountains
Greets the salt water ocean, so clear

I can hear all the echoes of a past life
The memories are like I'm still there
Somewhere is a secret I am hoping
When I die, may my home be my prayer

As I walk the sunlight grows dimmer
This Summer has been a reflection not of mine
In the water I can see an old man crying
The fish chasing the tears that he cries

It breaks a heart once denied what we believed in
So many days have left many scars
I think the one that came along, deepest
Is my love when she broke my heart

Here I am an old man chasing daydreams
I still believe in love till we die
Even if another leaves your life empty
Holding on is the love deep inside

In a daydream I shall always remember
In my heart she is always my bride
Till the sun sets into the ocean
When my soul finally leaves her behind


An Old Man's Reflection
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