And Here's To You, Mr. Mcclure (For Michael Mcclure 1932-2020) Poem by LeeAnn Azzopardi

And Here's To You, Mr. Mcclure (For Michael Mcclure 1932-2020)

Rating: 5.0

I waited for the day and today is that day
To read in the New York Times
And the San Francisco Chronicle of yr death
Mr. McClure, I wish I knew you
And was old enough to have lived in the sixites
Reading along beside you
As you read "The Death of 100 Whales"
I wanted to be part of movement
Communing with the likes of Janis and Jim
But there was no movement when I was young
My generation just wanted to make money and having status
Only me was lost in poetry
Daydreaming of being a radical
Stopping the Bomb-and the jerks like the Donald
With their capitalist ideas
Of making everyone homeless except the rich
And now, the sixties are truly gone
Forever in the textbooks marked History
As this new century is becoming soundbites

Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: tribute
Richard Wlodarski 22 May 2020

An excellent tribute to a giant of the Beat Movement! Like Kerouac, he will be greatly missed.

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 13 May 2020

What a beautiful Tribute Do remember to compose one for me when the clouds have blasted all their fill

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Mj Lemon 12 May 2020

A fantastic tribute to one of the San Francisco Six. He's really missed. A great tribute, LeeAnn.

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