April, The Unstable Neighbor At 5905 Westcreek Place, Left Home This Morning To Confer With A Police Informant: Her Outdoor Camera At 10 A.M—11 A.M. Poem by Dennis Ryan

April, The Unstable Neighbor At 5905 Westcreek Place, Left Home This Morning To Confer With A Police Informant: Her Outdoor Camera At 10 A.M—11 A.M.

Rating: 1.0

Tuesday morning, May 21, 2024, begun at 11: 15 a.m, and completed at 12: 12 p.m. and 12: 44 p.m., Poem Hunter delaying publishing this poem under the category 'New Poems' for 32 minutes as of right now, and counting, to limit number of readers

April, the unstable neighbor at 5905 Westcreek Place—
she resides in the townhome adjacent to ours—left home
this morning to confer with police/a police informant
(no informant cell phone calls now; they can be traced)
receiving timely updates, other information, instructions
as to how to proceed today, at least in part based on my
Poem Hunter poems of last night concerning Duke Hospital, Duke University and the untimely deaths of J. Michael Cook,
his son Kevin at 23 years of age, and Kevin's first cousin.

You can see April returning home shortly before 11 a.m
this morning, walking up her sidewalk under her outdoor
camera mounted above her front door which is pointed
directly at our property—not hers—yes, she directly
our property with this camera without our permission;
she started doing this after a series of provocations
she engaged in beginning about seven (7) months ago—
in mid-October 2023—beginning a week before my wife
Kim Jung Sook Ryan flew Southwest Air to South Korea
to see her family in Seoul and in Chung-Cham-Nan-Do,
the South Korean province about one-hour by train south
of the capital. As I had predicted beforehand, this unstable
neighbor April—a tall woman with black hair in her late
40's-early 50's—accused me of stealing two bricks off
her back porch when, in fact, Kim and I had collected
hundreds of free bricks in Cary a few years before
in order to protect our back yard and back deck from
erosion by running rain water—our HOA doing nothing, absolutely nothing to help us, though Townhomes
that belong to HOA Board Members received immediate
attention, including 5907 Westcreek Place—directly
opposite us—a ditch dug and riprap filled to stop erosion,
and divert rainwater flow across our driveway. Oh, and
did I mention that April's ex-husband John owns her
townhome and is on the Suncreek Townhomes HOA
Board as well—how convenient— there being nothing
but problems, extensive Raleigh police-related problems,
bounty-Hunter problems issuing forth from this particular
townhome,5905 Westcreek Place, for 20, yes 20+ years.

Now, reader, you get the picture crystal clear— April,
unstable, lying, prevaricating, and provocative neighbor,
and her ex John who pays all her bills, he too having
mental issues—Narcissistic Personality Disorder— this
info provided me by his ex-wife early on, when we were
on better terms. Quite a party, police party over there!
As I said all this, these problems have been going for
many years—all Raleigh Police initiated, Raleigh Police induced.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: car,police,deceit,community,police brutality,deception,watching,neighbor,film
Every detail of the above poem is based on fact. April and others use anonymous readers on Poem Hunter to read these poems, and then criticize me for writing them, one of these anonymous readers going by the fake name of Aimee Smalls, this Aimee Smalls put up tomit, without a shadow of a doubt, by the Raleigh Police Department and F.B.I.
Dennis Ryan

Dennis Ryan

Wellsville, New York
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