Are People Really As Happy As The Smile They Wear On Their Faces? Poem by Obiaeli Ifediirichukwu Victor

Are People Really As Happy As The Smile They Wear On Their Faces?

People, embodiments of scorching fire
People, blaring bullets of cold sharp ice
People, images of the horned rattle snake
People, an avatar of shattered broken glass
Wearing fast smiles on their faces
Grinning from ear to ear
Unknown to you a hidden grim
People, we try as much as possible to hide our fears
We try as much as possible to prevent those tears from dropping
Trying a whole lot to conceal the anger
Inhaling pretence just as oxygen
And in turn exhaling hidden anger from beneath our lungs
We all wear that hurting smiley face at times
We all seem to be this happy and aversely contended
But deep inside, we want it all. We want all the attention
We clamour after all the love, all the happiness, all the kisses
We strongly desire all the tender affection alongside that mild anger
Then, on deciding to be natural; people will chop you raw
Deciding to freely express anger, joy and contempt
Making sure to express happiness at the brink of it
Trying to express worry when disturbed
In the end...
You get the term "emotionally unstable" throwing itself at you
You look at people and you could feel their fears hidden deep beneath
You glance at people, you see through the anger underneath their skin
You gaze at people and the bad aura of their sadness engulf you
Being "strong-willed" they call it
But then in the end, you find out people live to pretend
Fighting off their demons with a happy hurting face
People can never be fully known, why?
Because we think expressing our emotions leave us vulnerable
But then, I came to the realisation that people cannot be blamed
Their is so much hurt and wickedness hovering in this world already
I only try to ask myself on meeting smiling faces...
"Are people really as happy as the smile they wear on their faces? "
Or is there a hidden anger lurking in a dark corner griming behind the grin?
People! !
Everyone! ! !

Dedicated to everyone trying to do better
Obiaeli Ifediirichukwu Victor

Obiaeli Ifediirichukwu Victor

Umuchu in Auguata L.G.A of Anambra state
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