Area 52..Completed Version. Poem by Shaun Cronick

Area 52..Completed Version.

Rating: 5.0

Area 52.
Located in Antarctica.
Hidden under the ice.
Deep down.
For a reason.
Area 52.
The most heavily defended and secure piece,
Of real estate on God's good given earth.
Where trillions are spent every year.
Not to keep something out.
But to keep something in.
Locked in.
Something Evil.
Something the outside world,
Simply wouldn't dare to believe.
Or choose not to.
For the sake of their own fears and sanity.
The worlds and histories biggest secret.
Hidden from mankind.
For centuries.
But for how long?
For the clock is ticking.
And counting down.
For all those who guard it.
All those who study it
All those who try to kill it.
To save us from it.
Know one thing.
They will all die.
And escape it will.
One day.
One day soon.
They gamble their lives every second around it.
Countless brave men and women.
And they all know,
It will escape.
And kill them.
All of them.
And billions more.
Out of spite.
Out of hate.
Out of pure evil.
Evil of the purest form.
For all the unique safe-guards,
Restraining it are failing.
One by one.
And can never be replaced.
For it's escape has been prophesied.
Two thousand years ago...

Two thousand years ago,
A trap was laid.
To capture it.
And was successful.
But at the cost of thousands of lives.
Many thousands of lives.
Who all gave their lives willingly.
Each one content knowing they'll be rewarded.
Each one knowing they were the bait.
Willing bait.
To capture it.
And to sacrifice themselves in honour,
Of the man who thought up the plan.
To capture it.
Contain it.
Take it away.
And hide it.
For as long as possible.
They knew they couldn't kill it.
But they tried anyway.
They forever stabbed.
They forever cut.
Till all who tried was spent.
It just wouldn't die.
Impossible to kill.
Every deep wound inflicted on it.
Just regenerated.
Grew back instantly.
So perfect.
So Evil
It was unkillable.

Area 52.
Immortal some of the scientists call it.
There are others names for it.
Used by the others who work around it.
Other names that fit.
Fit a lot better.
Names the outside world know of.
Names the outside world fear.
It is entombed in ice.
But no ordinary ice.
For the ice surrounding it's whole body.
Has the hint of red around it.
For this was once blood mixed with tears.
From two thousand years ago.
Blood and tears mixed together,
To submerge and subdue it.
In a large granite sarcophagus.
To immerse it completely.
To drown it.
To knock it out.
And to bring it here.
And to freeze it.
Two thousand years ago.
The sarcophagus slowly removed,
Piece by delicate piece,
Over time.
Permission granted by all the leaders,
Of all the worlds religions.
All sworn to secrecy.
To reveal it and take samples from it.
To experiment on,
In the vain hope of killing it.
Once and for all.
All to no avail.
Newcomers at Area 52 gaze with morbid fascination,
At this plinth of ice always constantly monitored.
At it and the reddish ice surrounding it.
The blood and tears mixed together.
The blood and tears surrounding it.
The blood and tears holding it prisoner.
The blood and tears of noble warriors.
The blood and tears of Pope's and priests.
The blood and tears of Jesus Christ.
For it has many names...
The Evil One.
The Beast.
The Prince Of Darkness.
The Devil.
And Lucifer.
The fallen Archangel...

We can't kill Lucifer.
No-one can.
No-one here on earth.
We can capture him.
Contain him.
We have the plan.
You all know it.
Know the sacrifice involved.
And the tools to do so.
And we will capture him today.
But at a cost.
Such a great cost.
For many of you will fall doing so.
So many.
But you carry in your hearts,
The knowledge that,
My Father,
Your Father,
Our Father.
Will welcome you all in Heaven.
For the sake of peace on earth.
Peace of a sort.
For many, many years.
Two thousand years for all people,
To finally believe.
People of all religion's.
And after that time he will set himself free.
To join forces with all his,
Fallen Archangels and Angels.
Then I will return.
I will rise.
Where I and all of Heaven's Archangels and Angels,
Will engage Lucifer and his army of hate,
At Megiddo.
For the final battle.
The End of Days.
My final promise and prophecy to all of you.
I Love you all...

Area 52.
Lucifer only loves himself.
Beautiful and vain.
Filled with jealousy for God.
Vowing to sit on Gods Throne.
Beautiful once in Heaven.
Here on earth.
The fail-safes of blood and tears.
Now failing dismally.
His whole face now exposed.
And his red eyes are moving.
They never blink.
Following everyone around his chamber.
Scaring everyone.
And his hands.
His talons.
Also free of the blood and tears.
Ever so slightly flexing.
But worst of all is his smile.
Lucifer's smile.
So evil.
It's only a matter of time.
Till he escapes.
For the ice around him.
Is slowly,

In 1946,
The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.
In the Qumran Caves,
In the Judean Desert,
Near Ein Feshkha.
On the northern shore of the Dead Sea.
Eleven caves held these scrolls.
All examined in great detail.
A mere quarter of a mile from,
The last one containing scrolls.
Lies a cave that was searched,
And no scrolls were found.
But hid a different treasure.
This cave holds behind a rock-face,
A hidden compartment.
In that compartment,
He sleeps.
He's slept for two thousand years.
And has now today,
His prophecy now ended.
He is now ready.
Ready for the final battle.
Against Lucifer and his army.
The battle of Megiddo,
The End Of Days...

Copyright Shaun Cronick.2019. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, November 28, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: evil,horror,jesus,mystery,prophecy,supernatural
The War In Heaven...Archangel Trilogy Part 1 was the start of it all.
Avenging Archangel...Archangel Trilogy Part 2 is to be concluded with
Armageddon, The Battle Of Megiddo, End Of Days..Archangel Trilogy Part3, will wrap everything up. Area 52 was written as a step-stone to bridge a gap between Parts 2 and 3. That final part will come at a later date.
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