Armless Chef Poem by Cynthia Buhain-baello

Armless Chef

A tribal conflict opened doors
For unexpected tragedy
Fate so cruel ran Her course
And caught Her victims easily.

A lass of mere seventeen
Too young to lose her future
But blind is Violence unseen
And the times ahead unsure.

Intruders came, got her cornered
Her arms raised in defense
Then cries of pain were all they heard
Her arms were cut, it made no sense!

Her loss was partial as her spirit lived
She learned to gain her victory
Healed her life, in Faith believed
So she earned a degree in the Culinary.

An armless chef, what a wonder!
Can she even handle a kitchen knife?
Yet seeing her, shames all whiners
Realizing they have much more in life!

A five star hotel boasts of her skills
Awards and recognitions came her way
Her steadfast Hope, rage could not kill
Her story inspires us to this day.

This is a true story of a Filipina well known chef and Culinary Arts expert who lost her arms in a tribal conflict, but rose from her tragedy and gained awards and recognition for her excellence in her chosen field. She also forgave her assailants and her action brought about the much needed peace in her village.

Cynthia Buhain Baello
June 23,2012

Valerie Dohren 22 June 2012

Amazing story and a great tribute to this lady. Well written.

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Cynthia Buhain-baello

Cynthia Buhain-baello

Manila, Philippines
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