As It Is Poem by Rahman Henry

As It Is

Rating: 4.7

Silent books
And a song more silent than those
Sitting around my minaret of painfulness, without a word—
That's all. I never seek more.

Have the books become selfreaders? Meanwhile

The lyricless song was playing in its mind
An appropriate tune—
And the minaret of painfulness is astonished;

Which of these three are you? The question
Is still not important;

If the past and the future have the same tensionous steam in a common river, then that question can be of importance. For the time being,

The stone is the main focus. Pregnant. With all possibilities of blossom
Labor pain moans

Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: bangladesh,loneliness,metaphor,reality,suffering
Kumarmani Mahakul 03 October 2017

Sitting around my minaret of painfulness, without a word provokes thought. Metaphorically many things are expressed here. Silent books sing silently. Amazing poem is shared here.10

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Rahman Henry 03 October 2017

I'm grateful to you for your valuable comment, sir.

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Edward Kofi Louis 03 October 2017

Silent books! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Rahman Henry 03 October 2017

Thanks a lot, sir. I'm grateful for your kind appreciation.

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Rahman Henry

Rahman Henry

Natore, Bangladesh.
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