At Idomeni To The Village Of Chamilo Poem by Sofia Kioroglou

At Idomeni To The Village Of Chamilo

Rating: 5.0

For a moment I thought
I had found a new home
I was swathed in blankets
and given some food.

I hadn't eaten for days
gaunt and cadaverous
I made my way to the refugees camp
as the sun cracked through the darkling clouds.

The Red Cross crew tried their best
to rescue a woman's baby before
hurrying to a man having an epileptic fit
in front of a hundred of us refugees

For a moment I thought
I had found a new home
scrambling for way past
EU's closed Balkan door

At Idomeni To The Village Of Chamilo
Monday, April 11, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: refugees
Susan Williams 20 June 2016

Mohammed Asim Nehal really nailed it with his observation below. The more I read you, the more impressed I have become about your variety of topics and the beauty of your ink.

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Sofia Kioroglou 20 June 2016

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my work! Be blessed! : -)

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M Asim Nehal 25 April 2016

Heartfelt poem, we all are refugees here on earth some are lucky to find their place and some are struggling to find it, You nailed it with this poem..................Loved it,10+++

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Sofia Kioroglou 20 June 2016

Thank you so much Mohammed! A wonderful poem from a great poet! Have a great week ahead!

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Edward Kofi Louis 14 April 2016

EU 's closed Balkan door! Nice dedication to the refugees. Thanks for sharing.

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Sofia Kioroglou 14 April 2016

Have a great Thursday Edward and thank you so much for stopping by and reading!

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Kelly Kurt 11 April 2016

An excellent poem to be used in the upcoming book on refugees.

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Sofia Kioroglou 11 April 2016

Thank you so much, Kelly! Yes, I wrote it for the project yesterday. I am so glad you like it. Hope you are well. Have a nice week ahead!

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