Aubade Poem by Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon


Rating: 5.0


Twitter of sparrows
In the vegetable garden,
A peacock's shrill whistle
In the thickets at a distance,
A couple of mynas
making their nest
In the jack fruit tree
while talking their love,
A pair of doves
Murmuring prayers to Cupid,
the female couching
For her handsome mate to mount her.

Humming of the bees
where flowers abound
In all hues and colours
A plethora of varieties
An inimitable mix of fragrance
Cupid's blooming arrows everywhere
The coolest morning breeze
The morning sun bright
Spreads a veil of moonlight.

A female weaver bird
Has come to inspect
The nest built by her mate
Hanging off the coconut tree leaf.
She likes it perhaps, for he is invited
To join her in the nest for a few moments
And together they fly off into the skies
Chirping madly, their voice laced with love.

A parakeet in a green coat
And with a ruby necklace
Chirped to her fiancé
While gnawing at a ripe papaya.

A flock of jungle barblers
Scrounging in the grains
Spread in the yard for drying
For worms and insects
Making a big hue and cry,
Suddenly flock to the mango tree
With loud protests
For, Panther, my pet cat
Has just moved in,
With his soft but ominous meow.
A pair of squirrels
That were eagerly eyeing the grains
Run up the Ashoka tree in a miff,
Squeaking loudly to warn their mates
Of the feline danger imminent.

At a distance, I hear a raven crow
As a pack of dogs go wild barking
And Panther quietly retreating
To the safety under the car.

In my neighbor's barn
Despite the dogs' warn
His cows take turns to moo
Refusing the grass loose
Calling on their bull,
A goat bleats in the distance
Maybe looking for shade.

A large flock of cranes
Make a loud cacophony
While flying back
From their nocturnal abode
to the fields just harvested
In search of food.

'Coohoo coohoo' sings a cuckoo
On the mango tree fully flowered
Whose sweet smell enriches the breeze,
Now her mate joins her singing,
And love abounds.

All around me, life is vibrant!
What am I doing sitting at home?

An aubade is a morning love song (as opposed to a serenade, intended for performance in the evening) , or a song or poem about lovers separating at dawn. It has also been defined as 'a song or instrumental composition concerning, accompanying, or evoking daybreak'. In the strictest sense of the term, an aubade is a song sung by a departing lover to a sleeping woman. Aubades are generally conflated with what are strictly called albas, which are exemplified by a dialogue between parting lovers, a refrain with the word alba, and a watchman warning the lovers of the approaching dawn.
Robert Murray Smith 17 February 2022

Beautifully expressed in memorable words. A delight to read.

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Unnikrishnan E S 17 February 2022

These words of appreciation coming from a great poet like you, make my day, Robert. Thank you.

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Unnikrishnan E S 21 February 2022

Thank you Robert, for the words of encouragement

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soren Barrett 17 February 2022

A wonderful display of nature around us that we so often ignore. Written in short flowing verse that was a pleasure to read.

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Alyx Thru Edge 10 July 2024

So immersive and soothing atmosphere, thank you,5 / 5. Also, I learnt about the aubade, which I never encountered before. It is a magnificent idea to capture the feeling of a new lovely day instead of the gloomy departure after sunset

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UNNIKRISHNAN Sivasankara Menon 23 September 2022

This aubade was written in my farmhouse in Kerala, the Gods Own Country, on a fine enchanting morning.

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Unnikrishnan E S 21 February 2022

The comments posted by me on poems of various poets like Dilipji, Rebecca Naverra, Geeta, Robert, David are missing on the respective pages. PoemHunter has become extremely unfriendly to the user. What a pity!

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Unnikrishnan E S 21 February 2022

Immense gratitude to Poet Rebecca Naverra for her beautiful comments on the poem.

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Rebecca Navarre 20 February 2022

Sounds amazing to watch the wonders and beauties that surround home! .. Each description is truly awesome! .. Definite 5 Stars! ..+++++

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Unnikrishnan E S 21 February 2022

Hi Becca, thank you for the comments on the poems. Obliged

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Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

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