Auras Of Rainbow Description Poem by ArmourQuill Hunter

Auras Of Rainbow Description

Red is nature’s warning, orange brings a lacy alarming
Yellow is aspects of light and thoughts of it charming
Green is of growth, a healing colour so invitingly warm
Blue is of creativity, the darker side of loneliness forlorn

Indio, violet, and purple, are spiritual vs. its opposite reality
Pink is compassion, a sense of companionship’s empathy
Purity or white denotes awakening, energy of power’s light
Black, which ails from sin’s dark stain to an infectious plight

Gold, refining finish, of victory acquired from trials endured
As such, it’s a great protective colour (complete) to implore
Silver is of birth, of a fruitful new, the highest hue to pursue
Colour is the outward vibrations of an inward plane viewed

Why colours make us feel a certain way~ know one knows
Winter colours are unlike autumn with grape of harvest glow
Forest sprigs of green at springtime, a floral reigning bouquet
Balance is all important and every aura reflects life’s replay

*~'Class is an aura of confidence that is being sure without being cocky. Class has nothing to do with money. Class never runs scared. It is self-discipline and self-knowledge. It's the sure footedness that comes with having proved you can meet life.' ~Ann Landers

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