Aurobindo 102 Savitri Book 7 Poem by Indira Renganathan

Aurobindo 102 Savitri Book 7

An appreciation on Savitri
Book Seven: The Book of Yoga
Canto Three: The Entry into the Inner Countries
Words within inverted commas are Aurobindo's

'Then journeying forward through the self's wide hush
She came into a brilliant ordered Space.'
'There Life dwelt parked in an armed tranquillity;
A chain was on her strong insurgent heart.
Tamed to the modesty of a measured pace,
She kept no more her vehement stride and rush; '
'A chastened epithet in the prose of life,
She must fill with colour just her sanctioned space, '

'Into a firm and settled space she came
Where all was still and all things kept their place.
Each found what it had sought and knew its aim.
All had a final last stability.
There one stood forth who bore authority
On an important brow and held a rod;
Command was incarnate in his gesture and tone;
Tradition's petrified wisdom carved his speech, '

'His sentences savoured the oracle.'
"Traveller or pilgrim of the inner world,
Fortunate art thou to reach our brilliant air
Flaming with thought's supreme finality.
O aspirant to the perfect way of life,
Here find it; rest from search and live at peace.
Ours is the home of cosmic certainty.
Here is the truth, God's harmony is here.'

'All here, docketed and tied, the mind can know,
All schemed by law that God permits to life.
This is the end and there is no beyond.'
Here is the victory of a single Truth,
Here burns the diamond of flawless bliss.
A favourite of Heaven and Nature live."

............My consciousness this moment,
O'Guru, I'm in invincible heights
Ineffable Thee embellishing poetic creation
My inquisitive apprehension, erring Thee may opine
May there so, let Savitri in my self arise
Aroused there so be knowledge and fortune

Note: Some more inspiring, descriptive and
informative lines from Book 7 Canto 3

Page 496

The Spirit's almighty freedom was not here:
A schoolman mind had captured life's large space,
But chose to live in bare and paltry rooms
Parked off from the too vast dangerous universe,
Fearing to lose its soul in the infinite.

Page 497

And worship turned to an exclusive God,
To the Universal in a chapel prayed
Whose doors were shut against the universe;

Sunday, April 3, 2011
Topic(s) of this poem: prayer
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