Ability-1 Poem by Indira Renganathan


Rating: 5.0

She's treading on still..

As has been so far
Deafly unconcerned
Along a road, in the cab, in the shop
Unbeaten by deafening noise
Unbothered of scolding, mocking, joking, shirking

Others blaring in
searching a piece of sound
Fathoming her ears

Unknowingly that

She the queen
Her dictatorship bejeweled, bedecked
Slamming everybody at her feet
Her best familial way
Despite a deaf, illiterate

Unknowingly about

Her sovereign cognition
Of kitchen and as well of her nation
Despite a deaf, illiterate

Unknowingly that

She the most unconcerned of herself
Devoid of aid any her hearing-loss
Yet can talk on M.S.Subbalakshmi
Despite a deaf, illiterate

Unknowingly that

She the shepherdess of the infernal
Where she's treading on still..
The bold and deaf ninety five
To the inkling sound of silence
Treading on still..

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Topic(s) of this poem: social
Ravi A 16 April 2009

A fine work. Hemingway's message through 'The old man and the sea' is clear - Man can be defeated but never destroyed. The central character of the poem justifies this. Yes. If you see the mental capacity of old generations, it is something incomparable. We have to learn many things from our older generations. Their inner strength was far more than what we could ever imagine. Far from the din of the world, they led a peaceful life, accepting the variety of life without a prejudiced heart. This is what we should try to copy in our life.

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Ashraful Musaddeq 13 May 2009

Indira, this is a beautiful work with much depth in sense. 10+++

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Obinna Eruchie 14 June 2009

a beautiful work, well done.

1 1 Reply

She the shepherdess of the infernals Where she's treading on still.. The bold and deaf ninetyfive To the inkling sound of silence Treading on still........ oh what lovely imagination and full of truth....10 read mine queen without crown and king does no wrong

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Akhtar Jawad 25 September 2017

Abilities of a woman who has tightly fixed her lips, who listens to many disturbing words but ignores, who watches many pain giving things but like an unconcerned passerby. Still performing her duties, though at this age she is not under any obligation to perform it at the age of 95, still a constitutional head of her home, widely loved and respected. What a great queen is she! How great is the poetess who wrote a lovely poem on her, whether she is Quenn Elizabeth II or just an ideal house wife, a mother and a grand mother. I salute to that great woman, whoever she may be.

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Anjandev Roy 01 February 2024

Marvelous piece...... wonderful to read....

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Kesav Venkat Easwaran 13 December 2022

Fruitful observations on the experiences of life is education proper. Most of the household ladies of the older generations are educated this way. A good write on the opted theme. Congrats Indira

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Chinedu Dike 09 July 2021

Your diction is a complete delight. A beautiful rhetorical piece of poetry...

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 01 June 2021

Beautiful, touching and inspiring poem

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Deepak S S 20 May 2021

Special quality beyond doubt.

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