Ayers Rock / Uluru Poem by Ali Eckermann

Ayers Rock / Uluru

Rating: 2.9

old Mr Uluru
a proud man
the day the Rock
was handed back
sits waiting

old Mr Walkabout
a proud man
at the twenty-fifth
anniversary of the
hand back
sits waiting

in the Red Rock tavern
the old men sit

yous wanna beer
the barman yells

he comes over
whatcha waiting for

the old men stare out
over their Country

for recognition
as Traditional Owners

more than just
a few days
in their life time.

Sylvia Frances Chan 12 December 2023

Uluru..Ayers Rock, what a great land, most important and precious for the original culture. A very fascinating poem to represent the National pride through Uluru. I like this very much 5*****

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MAHTAB BANGALEE 26 January 2021

beautifully crafted; enjoyed I

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Lyn Paul 18 October 2019

The Northern Territory is an incredibly different world. Kakadu, Catherine and Alice Springs. With your words I picture Uluru and am planning a trip there. Wonderful to read your work.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 18 October 2019

This poem is amazing. Fascinating to read and because I know Ayers Rock, I know so well this poem and all your background stories. I regarded that as non-human to adopt kids from happy families. Shame on the government of Down Under at that time.but I am very happy that you write excellent poems about your family and area.

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Edward Kofi Louis 18 October 2019

Traditional owners! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Ali Eckermann

Ali Eckermann

Kaurna / Australia
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