Ban Capital Punishment (3) Poem by Chan Mongol

Ban Capital Punishment (3)

Rating: 5.0

When war ends up, killers possess guns?
They get busy to kill unarmed civilians!
Nervous are Governments and administrations!
They are with terrorists only to stop oppositions!

They are murderers, lacking refinement!
Crimes never stopped in capital punishment!
Biblical prophets took too much pain!
To educate and to make us humans but in vain!

They fear hell, fear of biggest God!
But totally away from religion's accord!
They are killers, even Iraq's Maliki!
By killing Saddam, was not a just policy!

None got a right to take a life for feud!
Power against humanity, we have viewed!
In Muslim countries, too many executions!
I can't support such killings in religions!

Is that justice, is that a dignity?
Killing a prisoner is not humanity!
Death penalty is a governmental murder!
Goodness never came in such a disorder!

Governments teach people to be horrible killers!
In crimes, uprisings, greed, even as drug dealers!
We cry and say death penalty is not necessary!
Alternatives are in isolating criminals within a boundary!

They beheaded Muhammad's grandson!
To empower another Muslim's administration!
For practicing laws, religions and constitutions!
All are to govern us with full of violations!

When war ends up, killers possess guns!
They get busy to kill unarmed civilians!
Nervous are Governments and administrations!
They are with terrorists only to stop oppositions!

Monday, April 4, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: reformation day
Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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