Banging On. Poem by Fay Slimm

Banging On.

Rating: 5.0

'Careful with the fireworks.
Hold the sparklers high.
And as for bangers thrown at doors.
Don't you even try'

So my Daddy used to say,
When I was a child.
But oh those coloured fireworks
Used to drive me wild.

Even now I love a show
Of fireworks the best.
I oooh and aaah at rainbow sky,
Louder than the rest.

Patricia Gale 19 November 2009

A wonderful memory! !

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Bob Gibson 06 November 2009

Bangers, sparklers, poor Guy Faulks does not get a mention! Yet considering he entered parliament, with an honest intention

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Georgia Girl 06 November 2009

This is a very cute piece, still a child at heart enjoying all the sparkles and colors of the rainbow sky...I like it :) ...10

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Carl Harris 05 November 2009

There is an inherent love for fireworks in nearly all of us, Fay, and you expressed that very well and quite beautifully in this fine poem. We Americans make a big deal of our Indepence Day, and I don't think it's so much because we mark it as the birthday of our nation, but rather because we all look forward to the big fireworks shows in the evening. Nearly every town puts on a show, and if you are high enough, you can see displays from a dozen or more places simultaneously! Of course, every year the city of Philadelphia puts on a spectacular show. Yes, we love our fireworks and on the list of mankin's greatest inventions, that has to rank in the top four or five for sure. Thanks for your very lovely poem! Carl.

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David Harris 05 November 2009

Fay, your bang on target with this one and a nice message to all in that first stanza. Top marks and thanks for sharing this with us my friend. Hugs David

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Fay Slimm

Fay Slimm

in Cornwall U.K.
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