Barbaric Animals Poem by Theorem The Truth Serum

Barbaric Animals

I am a white man of European origin
built of bones enriched by the rubble
from cities of old imperial empires.
I am encased is skin created from
blood from the 'enemy', countless
innocence, and 'just' causes.
My mind has been filled with the idea
that an empire is the only way to exist.
When you live in an empire; you live
with all the fruits of luxury that serve
us the 'happiness' that we all deserve.
The word guilt has been written on the foreheads
of petty thieves and small time murders.
The word guilty has been given to those judged
to be a threat to the strength of the empire.
I am a white man who is asked to give
this tradition of controlled genocide
to my own little rubble boned children.
I am supposed to feed them food and
give them gifts that were hoarded off
the innocent victims who have been
chosen as our new targets.
We target them with laser point
and we target them in our
newspapers and in our telecasts.
We fight them for fighting and what
have we been doing all along for centuries.
They call us human beings, the highest form
of life upon this earth why?
It is because we can write about and
communicate about the blood we have
flooded into our daily lives for centuries.
We are walking talking barbaric animals.

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