Be Constructive, But Never Be Destructive To Achieve Noble Dream! Poem by Ramesh T A

Be Constructive, But Never Be Destructive To Achieve Noble Dream!

Without education, knowledge, intellectual thoughts and love for all,
One cannot become a complete and great human to feel and form a good
Human society that lives on humour, joy and peace with all as one
Human family promoting love and friendship all over the world ever!

Knowledge and love only make one have freedom to understand all and
A true and reliable conviction that helps one visualize life, world,
Nature and Universal Spirit to know what natural duty one has to do
So as to have suitable ambition to achieve one's best dream in world!

By fear animals are controlled, but only by love, humans can be united And ruled, if great world good has to be achieved to promote love and Peace for all to live a free, good and friendly life as in one world Family to promote, prosper and progress to higher level to be perfect!

Achieving such a constructive dream is the purpose of all humans here
But not destructive works on culture, civilization, noble achievements
Of the past for posterity to follow and live in peace promoting human
Self to super human level to achieve divinity for total liberation...!

Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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