Be Thou Thine Judge Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

Be Thou Thine Judge

Time was spirit of law when mattered more
Over legal merit, letters of laws,
Now crowned and honoured as key legal lore,
The spirit seems crushed under legal jaws.

Time to lift justice from these jaws of print
To keep its soul's spirit truly alive,
Legal print's but a vehicle to arrive—
A dimple may charm, but is still a dent.

O white wigs of wisdom donning dark robe,
Should ye be rich storehouse of mere letters?
A true test is to dig under to probe,
Much less letters of laws, spirit matters.

A fig leaf is not much of a garment
Oft sullied by overuse indiscreet,
Leave aside too heady an argument,
And better look for the matter's clay feet.

And let a free opinion flow, Milord,
The respect rendered is to the high chair
Ye warm, and to robe ye happen to wear,
The bow's to thine title, to legal rod.

Let a thousand opinions freely bloom,
Pray play down on that breach of privilege,
Many a warp and woof vie in a loom,
But then a cloth's woven lasting long age.

If legal fibre's loaded with delays
The remedies have to be looked within,
The load accumulated clearly says,
Justice delayed gets no robust, but lean.

Be thou thine judge; justice is more an art
Its body built by head, soul comes from heart.
Reflections | 01.05.08 |

Thursday, August 30, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: justice
Edward Kofi Louis 17 November 2019

When mattered more! ! ! Justice. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Aniruddha Pathak 17 November 2019

With hundreds of thousands cases still pending and gathering dust, this remains a vain cry. Thanks dear poet for visiting

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Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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