Because Your Heart Deserves A Whole Lot More Poem by Ulfat Patel

Because Your Heart Deserves A Whole Lot More

Rating: 4.8

I wish that I could make you happiest person in this world,
And wrap around with my all strength so that no one can snatch it from you,
But my strengths are not strong enough,
My heart feels a lot of things,
And I wish I'd feel those all..
But the way you see me,
Makes me think there's so much more..
And I thought I'd hold your heart firmly,
But the handcuffs around my wrists,
Never let me do so....
If can never let you see,
Because your heart deserves a whole lot more
Than a painful heart like mine....

Monday, August 20, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Chinedu Dike 26 November 2019

Well expressed thoughts and feelings, very heartfelt with strong emotions. Thanks for sharing, Ulfat.

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Jazib Kamalvi 11 July 2019

A refined poetic imagination, Ulfat Patel. You may like to read my poem, Love And Iust. Thank you.

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Imrankhan 27 September 2018

Really appreciated ulfat.Keep going you deserve alot n lot more to c soon you ll fly n kiss the Sky

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