Black Beauty Poem by Mohammad Younus

Black Beauty


My love wears
a black chador
Hides her face
In a black niqab
Why do you hide?
Your lustrous face
Why do you cover?
Your charmful body
I veil to hide myself
From the sensuous gaze
A voice came
From behind the veils
O' lustful man!
Why ask me to lift my veil
I wear the chador
To veil my beauty
Who can stand?
My flaming face
You can't
Can you fall a martyre?
To my dazzling beauty
Go! Enjoy your fleeting life
If I throw my chador off
If I unpin my niqab
You can't bear it
Suddenly for a glimpse
She unveiles herself
And stunnes me
Awfully dark black face
You can't bear it, I see
You love colours, I am black
What will make you know!
What black means!
I am not a colour
I am clourless
No colour can colour me
I colour all the colours
All covers are my attributes
And I am their essence
Look! I am black
Look at the black mole
On my black face
Like the Blackstone in Kàba
Look at my black chador
Like the black gilāf over Kàba
Look at my coiled black hair
Can you stretch it straight
No! my other can not
I unveil myself to myself
I look myself through myself
No other can look at me
I am in love with myself
I am black
Perceive all things black
When colours vanish
Black remains
A forceful voice calls me
Unity in diversity
Diversity in unity
All is one, one is all
Since all is black, all is one
Yes! I got
There is no you and me
When I move my tongue
To tell my tale of love
It is she who speaks
When I think about her beauty
It is she who is my thought
When I dare to look at her burning face
It is she who is behind my looking eyes
When I dare to ear her whispers
It is she who is behind my ear
When I call her
It is I who answer the call
Then I felt in my heart
God speaking to me
I am my witness to myself
I revealed Quran on a black night
That I had written on black parchment:
The Lawh-e-Mehfūz
When I called my beloved
That too was a black night
Know to love black
If you want to know
A way to yourself
Al-faqru sawadul wajhu fiddārain



Sunday, December 1, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: beauty
Edward Kofi Louis 07 July 2020

Black beauty! ! I am Black! Created by the Creator Almighty. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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