Blind Justice And Child Labor Poem by Chan Mongol

Blind Justice And Child Labor

Rating: 5.0

Poet Chan Mongol
Written in 2005

They are OK with wars but a war tore my life
Everything was evil then and war messed me up!
I lost a true loving family, a society
All went wrong and things became very rough!

A war robbed my childhood, way to live
I became quiet, calm and I got silence;
Even words of love and kindness were unheard
No sweet songs of birds, no rightful performance!

They ignored conditions foe welfare of war victims
They didn't think to build a strong, better system;
Parents of unfortunates gave bloods and stained streets
Evil leaders enjoyed fruits, regimes and own fame.

It's OK when their kids are doing modeling
Earning of kids are OK if they from fancy family;
Not for those who are in streets with dirt and carbon
With brooms, baskets with bare body and hungry belly!

I had to do manual child labor
So did my little brothers;
They killed our Father, the provider
Even own Governments were Gangsters!

They are OK with wars but a war tore my life
Everything was evil then and war messed me up!
I lost a true loving family, a society;
All went wrong and things became very rough!

So, they want to stop child labor
I laugh at their whimsical sense;
Why cannot they stop wickedness of those Governments?
Because, they force children to be defenseless.

They do not fight against own lieutenant Governments
They just kick in bellies of working children;
They are good to put kids in cages and for adoption
And I laugh at their blind justice, cow-dung brain.

Many and me even do not have satisfactory identity
I am a baseless, war victim human being;
I got my fate due to a war as a miserable being
I grew up in blind justice in that terrible thing!

Ha, ha, ha, I laugh at them
Their ways of thinking need to upgrade;
No betterment came in their zigzag, confused arts
Why everlasting colorful unjustified parade?

So, they want to stop child labor
I laugh at their whimsical sense;
Why cannot they stop wickedness of those Governments?
Because, they force children to be defenseless.

Monday, August 19, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: children,injustice,labor,sociology,victim,war
Rose Marie Juan-austin 19 August 2019

A powerful and perceptive write. A vivid portrayal of the ills of society. Well thought and conveyed write.

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Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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