Bloom Of A Room Poem by Kevin Familia

Bloom Of A Room

Rating: 3.0

Bloom of a room
Which fills the loom
The spins that it makes, on noon
Like a glitter of sparkle
On the noon sky of blue

Room as big as the stars
While inside, spins silk in pairs
That manifests in a way, one could stay
On this beautiful bloom that tells wonders of the sky
Noon takes place on the moon
Though its weave has no one to leave

To look at the spins, that winds people
People gaze in amaze of its peace
It reminded their minds to ponder, instead of wonder
At it's lessons on the wanderers who wander
It makes the loom of their lives, looking forward

Marvel at its beauty in its word
That flows in low, that overthrows out to a pound
Where all the errors of people, are outpoured
It gives a comfort, that no one ever new
A work put in motion sticked as hard as glue
As the workings and growing's of its wings, wide as a wave

So remains the bloom, of a room that gave
Gave people its loom of its word
To love, give peace and go forward
Remain still, listen to its wisdom, foretold
By the way it makes its bloom of loom, in a room at noon

M. Asim Nehal 22 May 2023

Excellent poem, great similes, A work put in motion sticked as hard as glue As the workings and growings of its wings, wide as a wave....5****

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Congratulations on POD dear poet. You deserve the recognition

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