Immovable Man Poem by Kevin Familia

Immovable Man

Rating: 4.3

Immovable man
You are the obstacle of action
You are the old life and a obstruction
To which you follow, the ways of sin
In me you crave my submission
To God, I want to follow
Yet you always insist, 'follow the shadow'

How you are immovable!
How I need to move!
Inside, you make me miserable!
Each day, like a screech out of reach!
Me and you are one
Even God pity's my immovable life!
You keep me every day away from a new life!

I ask God yet, he needs my sacrifice!
The sacrifice of him who is immovable!
Yet he is a wall in my heart
An old man, must be no more!
The new man must be!
Yet stubborn this one, in me

How then will one move?
With a man who is immovable!

Terence Craddock 03 May 2023

This line 'Yet you always insist, 'follow the shadow''; I found very interesting, decades ago I wrote a long poem about following shadow; memories stirred.

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Richard Wlodarski 03 May 2023

Meditate...and you will find your answer! Great poem, Kevin!

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 13 September 2024

Great thoughts to ponder about. A wonderful poem.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 13 September 2024

We are endowed with a gift of reason. We must choose which is best for us. We must not be immobilized with something we don't want to be. We also have our right/ freedom to choose.

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Kesav Venkat Easwaran 05 November 2023

True. It is difficult to move with such heaviness inside. Your poem made my thoughts fly high

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 10 May 2023

this poem is brilliant as a shooting star Bravo! ! !

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Anjandev Roy 10 May 2023

Just wonderful......thanks for sharing....

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