Blue's Dues Poem by cheryl davis miller

Blue's Dues

I live in the midst of Amish country.
Their wares for sale on signs I see.
Quilts, maple syrup, eggs and many things.
Some sell rockers and pretty porch swings.
My hubby drives by at a breakneck speed.
Saying, 'They have nothing that we need.'
I smile as he drives thinking, 'Thats's okay,
I will just drive back this way someday.
We live out on a farm so there's no need
of any more critters for us to feed.
There's dogs, cats, cows and a few chickens too.
I tell you there's always plenty to do.
But chasin' those cows is sure gettin' old.
That is for young people so I've been told.
One day while drivin' a sign caught my eye,
'Aussie Cattle Dogs- For you to buy.'
I whipped into that drive as is my way.
Stiring up some dust on the quilt display.
Got out and said, 'Sorry, I'm here to see,
a cattle dog to chase some cows for me.'
They stared me down with a grimace and frown,
then walking away neither made a sound.
The man came back with pups under each arm,
said, ' Take your pick Ma'am, they'll help on your farm.'
I picked the male but I still wasn't sure,
didn't look like much, looked more like a curr.*
I paid him sixty dollars took his word,
that this little puppie could move a herd.
Got out of my car with the pup in arms.
Hubby wasn't moved by his tail-less charms.
Knew what he tho't by the look in his eye,
' I'd been taken with my cattle dog buy.'
Well we settled on a name called him Blue.
This is a true tale that I'm telling you.
At just four months; Blue had the bull convinced,
to stay in the field where he'd been fenced.
Hubby gave Blue his dues; had to admit
the pup knew his stuff and had some grit.
He said, ' Blues not just another mouth to feed,
that Amish did have something that we need.'

Still have old Blue.
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