Bluebeard In Disguise Poem by Margaret Alice Second

Bluebeard In Disguise

I read Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
a million years ago, Peter Pan declared with self-
satisfied delight, boasting he was the only normal
member in a dysfunctional Conan family: From it I
gathered that to tell my idiot sis - - oh yes, it is an
emotional treat to look down on her, you see - she
was evil and I refuse to meet with her again -

Would be the perfect way to start a conversation
convincing her to take my side in a fight against
Snow-White who dared to call me Evil-Peter after
I punched her repeatedly when she behaved like
a moody child on a visit to Neverland; my idiot sis
took my side since I was right about Snow-White,
but I was not content to let is rest and continued

To point out Alice's failings also, given that I had
read Codes Of Love by Mark Bryan & came
to the conclusion that to love me means putting
up with the meanest character in Neverland, I'm
Bluebeard in disguise and slay all I see; & since
my sis claimed she also knew these theories, it
would be a test to see how she applied these

Whether she intended revenge on Snow-White
like me or wanted to forgive as Snow-White's
emotional scars led to her unique code of love
based on contempt for all Snow-White sees- -

NOW Alice is confused, how could Peter Pan
read about emotional intelligence - yet be full
of hate for family - and his Code of Love is
insistence on insulting all and being mean?

Kind words only make him worse…

Friday, October 19, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: books,emotions,family
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