Body And The Universe Poem by Madathil Rajendran Nair

Body And The Universe

Rating: 5.0

Close your eyes and still,
Feel your body
Part by part

And, as you begin to drown
In slumber’s sweet embrace
Mountains pop up
As do vales, waterfalls
Green trees, vast landscapes
Stars and the Milky Way

The body is all that
Part by part!
The body is the Universe
You are the body
And you are all!

A magnificent pulsation
Without parts and
Without a beyond!
Be just aware
And remain
Your own ecstatic Self

Body And The Universe
Inspired by the poem “We Encountered The House Of Realization” by Yunus Emre (1238 - 1320) , this poem suggests that the body, which we in our Vedantic fervour shun as one of the objects known and therefore as non-real (mithya) , can in fact be the very boat that can take us to the shores of true knowledge and transcendence.
Edmund Strolis 14 August 2016

How at odds it seems this message of freedom, of transcendence in a time in which people scramble to remain connected with this silly umbilical cord of technology. To think that a person indulges a cold sterile virtual world and becomes so reliant upon it that they are consumed by being plugged in and would be in dread horror of losing this artificial intelligence/phone-computer that they carry with them. A thing that mankind did without for centuries has now been declared indispensable. More than ever is needed a way to transcend and truly connect to the universe. Something that gives unlimited possibilities. A magnificent pulsation.

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Nosheen Irfan 14 August 2016

A great mystical write. Identification with the spirit of the universe is a blissful state of mind that can be reached through meditation n self-negation. To be at one with the universe is to hold the key to life. I really wish to experience this state of mind. Lovely reading this wonderful piece that takes the reader to a higher level of consciousness.10

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Valsa George 21 July 2015

This is a higher state of consciousness when we feel that the universe is residing within us or we merge with the universal spirit....... achieved in deep silence through meditation! Enjoyed this mystical poem!

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Rajesh Thankappan 09 March 2015

If one is able to identify oneself with the Universe, it is like being roused into an awakening of self-realization. This is that blissful state in which Sri Adi Shankaracharya said, ' Aham Brahmasmi, ' or I am Brahman. A beautiful metaphysical poem and a great food for thought which I enjoyed thoroughly.

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Deepak Kumar Pattanayak 08 March 2015

Very heavenly and philosophical on the body as the chariot that comes and departs with elucidation as real and non-real.....yet the very boat can take us to the shores of true knowledge and transcendence.......well thought out piece composed beautifully.....10/10

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