Birds {10 short poems}

Oh, you little birds;
Happy to see you in your nest, so pretty,

It drizzled outside;
Above in ethereal blue

The Mother
- - - - - - - - - -
Holy holier-divinely;
Things are with her

Haiku- Summer
- - - - - - - - - - -
During summer
Even the sun enjoys rains

Brightest amongst stars
Purest amongst mornings
Holiest amongst evenings
But he was the only sun

The advancing years
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Old age is young
A paradox yet sings a song

This poem is not for you
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
There are many poems
Full of pathos

I was waylaid and almost dead
Trampling upon things of beauty scattered
Down the walk at twilight hour
Above a lonely star

Monkey Mind
- - - - - - - - - -
The sun rises and sets
Into rain turn clouds

Bitter is heaven
- - - - - - - - - - -
To catch it I jumped high
Still a little higher

Haiku- Future
- - - - - - - - - -
Neither seen nor
Will be seen, yet provides confidence

Money Saved Is Money Earned
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
What is money?
They say

To a friend-1
- - - - - - - - - - -
Not only am I made
Of flesh and bone

So bright and so shining;
Once were those eyes
Seemed within Sun rising
And heaven ever resting

A Wedding Anniversary
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nothing is so sublime for a couple
Like a wedding anniversary jubilee

- - - - - - - -
Not all boredom is equal
Some fleeting

Person and Personality
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
At my mirror I stare
Ask who is this person?

There was no moon in the sky
Only the flicker of a gas flared faraway
And I could feel the premonition
Of dawn of love surfacing in the horizon

Riddle poem-5
- - - - - - - - - - - -
I can run but never walk
I have a mouth but never talk

Riddle poem-1
- - - - - - - - - -
I come through your mind
I help you talk all through life


Birds(10 Short Poems)

Birds {10 short poems}

Oh, you little birds;
Happy to see you in your nest, so pretty,
so nice clinging to your mother’s breast

Wish my castle
Be like your nest where
God always rests

Wish to speak to you
In softest words, don’t shy away
As it pains me all the way

In a day, you will fly away
Sweet birds, up in the sky a happy fly
Not known to me your way

Only your songs
Treasured in my memory will
Chase you wherever you go and stay

Clear and blue is the sky
Grasses green and trees in leafage anew
You seem happy singing all day through

Such is the power of your
Liquid notes melting down darkness
Into dawn to greet the day-king at morn

Carry live orchestra on wings
Deliver priceless melodies at will, so tender
And serene that attract all to your ring

Always happy, through field
And forest you fly to where you care
Trilling your gratefulness to earth and sky you share

Oh, birds, tell me your secrets
Of happiness that I long for ever
Or carry me on your wings to Heaven
Where happiness flows ever and ever.......


Saheb Mohapatra 23 October 2014

M.r Deepak kumar pattanayak is really an outstanding poet writing poems of all kinds.His works are immortal in the large world of POEMHUNTER.I myself is his disciple and I really wish he would give lots of incomparable gifts to the poetry world as he is continuously doing.

12 3 Reply

nice poems. you are great in showing feels.that shows a good improvement. i invite you to read my poems at my poets page. that is a friendly invitation

7 2 Reply
Dinesan Madathil 17 January 2014

Mr DEEPAK KUMAR PATTANAYAK is perhaps new to the PH as could be guessed from the poems posted for the last few days. However, the quality of the submissions illustrates the talent of the poet who reaches out to variety themes for interpretation and elaboration. The splendour of his writes is obviously visible and there is an all pervasive charm throughout his poems written with specific care using the most apt diction and sticking to the amble use of poetic devices wherever possible. I wish Mr Deepak Kumar Pattanayak a very pleasant association with the PH and do hope in a short period of time he would prove to be a poet one whom the fellow members cannot afford to miss to read.

5 3 Reply
Stan Petrovich 17 February 2014

I heartily agree with Dinesh Nair. Some of Deepak's poems are simple illustrations of a way of life for anyone who wants to seek happiness can find it.

4 3 Reply
Valsa George 10 April 2018

Deepak has been one of the earliest poets on poem hunter whom I chanced to get acquainted and loved for his sincerity, commitment to his task, nobility of soul and the beauty of his writes! For reasons unknown he took leave for a long time. Now seeing his reappearance again, I feel greatly delighted! Wish him a much more vigorous creative phase and all grace from God!

1 1 Reply
Sochukwu Ivye 04 October 2017

Hearts melt in fondness of you. The trail blazer, a creature of wonder. Thanks for being you, honorable heart. More heights, Sir.

1 1 Reply
Lyn Paul 12 February 2015

Have you ever written a book Deepak? Your words are so uplifting & soothing. I am always so glad I knocked on your page. Thank you

1 1 Reply
Akhtar Jawad 05 December 2014

Deepak, the lamp, is truly a poet, spreading light of knowledge and fighting the darkness of ignorance. I love you and I love your poetry.

1 1 Reply
Geetha Jayakumar 02 November 2014

Poet DEEPAK KUMAR PATTANAYAK One of the talented and vibrant poet. It's an amazing gift you are blessed with to write poems on any topic especially related to nature and life. He also takes a lot of interest in reading others poems and well versed in writing comments. May you keep on contributing many more interesting poems the poetic world. Wish you all the best! God Bless you!

5 2 Reply


You have age, imagination and talent You have honesty You have positivity What you lack is action And that makes all the difference And all your virtues dormant

I won't forsake my action Until I am assured A safe place in heaven

Life is certainly boring, but when you start living it You will aspire more of it

Keep on trying and you will see things once looking more difficult are now becoming more easy

To innovate is not to beat And to beat is not to innovate Innovation is creating new things Modifying old ones a little bit

Imagination is a thing with wings Flying higher and higher And on reaching there Aspires to go a little further

I fail to succeed and succeed to fail After all both are my assets

As the whole world is one, and a holistic universe and the world is your own, you need not be a loner For the world needs you and is always behind you today and as ever

Confronting or counselling a person, When he is angry is like adding fuel to fire

Smoking makes you hero first, Then reduces you to zero next

The best medicine to remain youthful costs nothing; It is with us and abundantly available but we are miser in sparing it and this is smiling

If you want to make your life meaningful and cheerful, Keep open your eyes to see beauty in everything big or small

Yes and no; yes and no, Along life goes on And you reach a stage of no return When you realize the significance of yes For life thrives on yes only

Human beings are learning how to be God And they can if they keep learning good things of God

In game one wins and one loses But in game of love both can win And both can also lose

An infant when born gives birth to hope Growing up a baby fuels million of hopes Till a child becomes a hope of all hopes

Life is a narcotic Despite euphoria, stupor, or coma We love to be intoxicated with it often

See life in perspective and live it positive So that you can get out of it alive

The beauty of business is that we do it with honesty

To convert profits into losses is easy; But to convert losses into profits is not easy, The man who has the ability to do so is the real businessman

Love is a powerful being; indeed life's soul When gone leaves behind a living dead mind with no emotion

Life turns to a fallen leaf When it is deprived of love as the sustaining loaf That life always hungers for life

Until and unless you know yourself; You can never know this beautiful world you are living in

Civilization thrives on quality; And not on quantity of people produced in a nation

If you love and nurture your job; It will certainly reward you with a great yield

Man and work are friends They live and die together

To be born and die is an experience

Love can turn a man beast and saint as well

Experience is my teacher Wisdom is my guide Confidence is my soul

My friends are my well-wishers and ill-wishers too

I am a man born to be humane and this is my religion

Everything is born thrice; First with thought, then with dream and then with action

Fear fears none except fearless me

To be born is an easy thing; To live easier and to die is the easiest

Love thrives on simple formula; Yet we tend to complicate it

In politics absurdity, hypocrisy and inequity are all reality

Love your children; for in old age they will make a lovely cushion

Speak to a tree and it will speak to you

Things of life are not as pessimistic as they seem to be; but we make them look so

Count one to ten and see how your anger is gone

Music is the soul of life; indeed an antidote to a depressing mind

Eden is not far away from my garden

Flower is as dear to me as to my ancestors

If you want Nature to submit to you; You need to be purer than her

We forget to remember and remember to forget happiness and sadness of life so that we can lead life with ease and sensibly

You live life momentarily but your goodness lives forever

Love is omnipresent; it can happen to you any moment

Set your goal with fervor and keep flowing like a river

I explore life daily in the hope of striking gold one day

Your children are your real jewels; wear them and you will look more beautiful than ever



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