Born To Die Poem by ECZ Silwal

Born To Die

Rating: 5.0

Already, The time of birth
and The time of death
were fixed; But also
They comes
With full of dreams

As I open, ,
The door of My sore eyes,
Mind mingl'd with the heart,
N' give birth to them,
One by one.

I ain't care to them
For their nourishment,
But, Still
The father and mother
Never stop giving birth

Even While I'm sleeping
Unknowingly They do birth
Just Like a Nightfall.

Neither They can bloom
Nor they can live happily
But also They born aiming
'To reached to Gracy's heart'

Hello air, Listen one time
'They want to die,
On the land of the Gracy's heart'
So Please aid them to reach'd there;

But Air never do
So, Unwillingly,
Before I fall asleep
I need to murder them
One by one by Crying
©ECZ || Tue.7 Feb 2017

Poetic Words:
Sore: physically painful as a wound;
nourishment: support by giving what they needs; .
Mingl'd: combine;

Born To Die
Friday, September 22, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: detachment
Here, I portray the 'Life of my feeling' for the Gracy
after the real love was over being falsity.They simply
soon as I open the door of my painful and sore eyes.
The result of combination of mind(father) with
heart(mother) gives their's birth. They want to reached
inside the heart of Gracy and bloom their life's with
tranquillity. Don't know what the hell happens to
theirs fate, Rather seeing them suffocating I murdered
them one by one before I fall asleep.
Chinedu Dike 21 December 2019

An heartfelt rendition written with clarity of thought and mind. Thanks for sharing and do remain enriched.

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Jazib Kamalvi 30 October 2017

A sublime start with a nice poem, ECZ. You may like to read my poem, Love And Lust. Thank you.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 22 September 2017

Just Like a Nightfall birth and death come. Both birth and death are true but we feel them like dream. Listening to time is wise. Birth and death come with full dream. Time of birth and death are fixed. Amazing poem is shared with wise drafting. 10....Welcome to PoemHunter.

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