Can'T Be With You, Can'T Go Without You Poem by Dakota Ellerton

Can'T Be With You, Can'T Go Without You

When I'm not with you, you're what I think of
when I'm with you all I want to do is hold you
you are my heroine
you're so deadly to me, but I want more

when you touch my skin It sends shivers through my body
my heart races, faster..faster
I get lost in time when i'm with you

you tend to make me angry, which I will never admit to you
I try hard to bottle it up, but it makes thing's worse
you hear me talking, but you don't always listen

yet I still want to be around you
just us, sitting at the beach, in the small hut
the flowers and bushes all around us, hiding us

when I'm with you I feel so many things
I feel depressed sometimes so much as suicidal,
but other times, you put me on top of the world

You can't be alone, and I can't be anything but.
what do we do now, I can't resist for long
you think i'm silly, that I can't be serious

but you know, that's exactly what I am
and when I'm with you, when I see you
it feels like a one night stand, each time, everytime

you will never hear me speak these words
you will never take me seriously
you will never feel for me
I'm merely, your pet.

But I love you

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