Can You Remember The First Time We Met? Poem by Daya Nandan

Can You Remember The First Time We Met?

Can you remember the first time we met?
On the 12th of July before i could call you mine yet,
You looked so beautiful with your tender smile and loving lips,
Your sexy blue blouse and your tight pants showing off your hips,

I remember your blue dream catcher earrings on each ear,
Yet the real dream come true was being with you here,
The day i met you, the day i gave you my blue cap,
The day you finally closed my heart's empty gap,

I remember my heart racing just to talk to you,
But yet i found the courage to face my destiny so true,
I am still so thankful to this day that you loved me back,
Holding on tightly even at times when our relationship would crack,

I remember holding your hand on that day,
Your tender grip leaving me lost for words to say,
If only i knew that you would love me so much,
I would have found you years ago to share my heart's touch,

I remember kissing your cheek for the very first time,
Right after you took a photo of our loves rhythm and rhyme,
I still have it in my phone and look back at it often,
The first photo of us that never fails to make my hard heart soften.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love,love and life
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