Child Right Poem by Pratikshya Sedhain

Child Right

Rating: 4.5

Government should provide children their right,
if not provided, their future won't be bright.

Society should stipulate the rights provided,
if not stipulated, children's growth will be retarded.

Parents should give love and affection to their children,
if not given, their won't be growth of their brain.

Teachers should provide children entertainment for a while,
if not provided, students' life will be boiled.

Government should provide children their name,
if not provided, their life will be full of pain.

Rights should be given to the children from whole;
Everyone is participated in their dimensional developing role.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: child abuse
nobody cares 26 August 2019

nobody cares ok ppoki

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Aadya 13 September 2018

Write poems for kids

1 5 Reply
Emel b. 04 June 2018

What type of poem is it?

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Kumarmani Mahakul 05 August 2017

Children are like buds and they will efflorsce one day. Parents as well as teachers should look after them properly. There are certain acts for children in governme nt level.The society has vital role for them too. Dear Pratikshya, you have so nicely incribed about children's right in this poem. Beautiful poem really. I appreciate it. Many thanks dear Pratikshya, keep the ball rolling...10

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Kevin Quero 18 February 2016

Good poem on children's rights. When writing your poems try to express more and put more feeling into it.

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