Choosing Poem by Randy McClave


Some people that you add as friends
Are there because of what you can give,
At first you see them as beautiful gems
Then later you see them as takers and combative.
They are there because of goodness you have sewn,
They are there because of what you own.

Some people choose their mates
Because they just don't like to be all alone,
Same thoughts of course goes for choosing dates
Then a fondness and a need has grown.
Then when you find a friend so dear and true,
And then you'll find out that they were just using you.

Some people that you add into your life
They are there only to take and use,
So, to be wary of future worries and strife
Think wisely before you ever choose.
Before you pick out a lover or a pal,
Make sure that they want to stay for a while.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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