Civilian Vs Military Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Civilian Vs Military

see a civilian
don't know what is going on
give the civilian rights and profitable means
to express his or herself
to an extent
then they knowing fall by the side
with nothing but repetition
and to tell you the truth repetition plus no purpose
is a form of harassment
especially when you came out of nowhere with no seriousness
snagged the piece of a concept from somebody else
and when you confront somebody of a crime as stated or unstated
can you read and comprehend?
basic skills from K-5
now immah show you how you confront someone of a crime on-line
cause onground they won't dare it
check this:
imagine someone appearing out of nowhere when you get into your ride to go wherever
all of a sudden
a vehicl appears
same time and similar...
do it again the sameday or night
same pattern...
take your notation down abit further
recording times
the sketch of the person
notify the police of a possible stalker or harassment
never trade off your route
cause you need evidence to nail em
a person of negative habit will continue until they see results they been needing
and most of the time it is satisfaction and enjoyment of knowing
in my culture we don't do that
these behaviors are new world types of which has infected most of cultures by now
although not all
as we are trying to rid em like the Philippines President....

Sunday, September 2, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: realistic
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