Stalker poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best stalker poems ever written. Read all poems about stalker.
4ever my friend you will always be
And you'll always be the number 1 girl to me
I know we've known each other 4 so long
And the friendship we've built has always been strong
I am living on
because providing apologies is easy
Feet that could be clawed but are not ...
Arms that might have flown but did not ...
No one said 'Let there be angels!' but the birds
buying dreams was easy for me too
Just signed up a loan
; leveraged and bought all;
Cheap money could buy..
I see her fly up high in the blue skies
From afar I see her stand near by
She is ugly
You think your immune,
To the powers that be,
Those who say,
That you're meant for me,
She is large and matronly
And rather dirty,
A little sardonic-looking, as if domesticity had driven her to it.
Though what she does, except lay four eggs at random in the garden once a year
The good padre David Ajemia, not from San Diego,
But from Boston, struck out with Conan O’Brian,
The padre is a priest obsessed with the Conan’s late night show
David was a stalker, who felt Conan was his Goliath,
SEILTANZER (Tightrope Walker)
I had a friend - called Alan Stalker
Who was a fearless tightrope walker
With your smile
She has reiterated number of times
That I may be “stalker sometimes
first came the obsession stage
then their mind became full of rage.
it does not matter if they're man or woman
for it is the same, their obsession becomes a game.
Summer 'tis always bursting forth within me-
As invincible as a tidal wave of stone...
Slicing the middle out of winter
A hidden sun-lit heat-yet unknown;
'Twas in that mellow season of the year
When the hot sun singes the yellow leaves
Till they be gold,—and with a broader sphere
It builds up in steam
steamy l'amour in passion's pressure cooker
only to let it all out to vanish
once the honeymoon is over.
Now let’s take this lie make it you and I
A single sonnet in stripes of zebra hides
That ride the waves of black and white tides
Take bits of word bullets for a love to die
oh my romeo
i'm cinderellah
i'm a fun of you
i wish you hear me
Book Two: On the verge of war
(This is a fictional poetic series and short story about events that never take place and about people that have never existed. Any representation of an actual event or person is purely coincidental in nature.)
i am living on
because providing apologies is easy
i was making choices
with insanely safe ideas of
i was a helpless girl
against the brutal world of
i was craving for security
the kind i had only known while
i am locked away
a terrified princess waiting
i don't dream or think
i just remember and wince
i ran away in the darkness
nothing beaconed me more than the
i ran into the arms of the ravishing night
nothing pulled me back: not even the memories
i ran until terror stopped my tracks
for, trembling i turned and saw that the moon was
There is something I need to confess:
I have learned quite a bit from Old Wes.
So enjoy each next verse,
some are better, some worse,
In the mirror of condemnation there's no reflection,
empowerment bitten by the vampire of blame
Fangs of denial thirsting for blood as fuel for anger's flames
Bed with the living dead, awakening in dark dreams
83] Message eighty-three: Wisdom sets you free.
p.1—Gang-stalking: If you compose a message, and the time of composing it was 7: 00 a.m., and you mention it online, via email or webpage, and later that day or following morning, you go into the kitchen, and you see 7 seconds on the microwave, the result of someone in your family doing so, it could be a coincidence. But if you repeatedly see things like this happening, it's proof you're being gang-stalked or harassed. In message 82 when I explain seeing 'vomit' when you read the word 'move' backwards, as being a shortening of or abbreviation for vomit, etc., and then the following day I discover that someone has subsequently placed an envelop or gift card on the ground backwards, and that particular incident doesn't usually occur but other things like it continually happen to match what I type online, then that's a sign of gang-stalking. Consider the following words from A. K. Forward, in his book Gang-Stalking and Mind-Control, 'These strange activities will not be isolated incidents in a target's life, but will be ongoing, usually occurring regularly enough that there can be no mistake that they are not just coincidental, but very purposeful.' And, for instance, it may not always be that it's a 7 on the microwave; it could be seven soda cans stacked in the refrigerator; or seven pieces of chicken, etc. And if you're a person who doesn't believe that a person is involved in gang-stalking, and you're not watching or monitoring them and their activities 24/7, then you can't honestly determine that they are not gang-stalking. If someone accuses them, you, without exempting the alleged gang-stalker, must consider them as being someone who potentially or in fact is. Another example is, someone in your family could be tampering with the a/c unit. One day early in the morning they decide to turn the cool air on when it's cold outside. And you notice this, and you hear them, but when you open the door and check to see if they're around, you neither hear nor see them. And then you open the door to go back into your room, but, instead of going back in, you close the door, as if you went back in. And then you hear them, near the location where you heard them at, moving around and making noise. That's a definite sign of not only being someone targeted or gang-stalked, but of having the proof that such is happening.
We're shape-shifting, my roommates and I. Transitioning mentally from freshmen and sophomores (nobodies) into juniors (somebodies) . We've been around, we're not the new kids anymore. We're being seen and appreciated. It's a mindbang.
There was a coolike girl, Kathleen, who was a senior when I was a freshman. I had a mad, mad envy-crush on her. She was everything I wanted to be when I was scared and unsure about things. Kathleen was perfect., an example of success that, like a fulcrum, lifted our confidence.
In a cottage by a river
Down a valley deep and wide
Lived the daughter of a killer
From his sins she tried to hide
Av Stanley Collymore
Piers Morgan er virkelig en patetisk unnskyldning
fra en mann -en galkende sår i ansiktet til bona
Av Stanley Collymore
Piers Morgan är verkligen en patetisk ursäkt för en man -
en cankerous öm i ansiktet av bona fide journalistik.
Von Stanley Collymore
Piers Morgan ist wirklich eine erbärmliche Entschuldigung
eines Mannes - eine krebsartige Wunde im Gesicht von
By Stanley Collymore
Piers Morgan truly is a pathetic excuse of a man -
a cankerous sore on the face of bona fide
What will you gift me dear?
A milk or a poison?
Oh! My heart can accept the both.
Though they both makes me live little longer in this never ending melancholy, milk may spare me from your memories and move on to find oasis of happiness and peace; poison drowns me into alcohol as an antidote to live little longer to requiem your memories.
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.