Climbing Trees And Peter Pan Poem by Jim Yerman

Climbing Trees And Peter Pan

When he was but a child his parents often smiled
when he wanted them to read him Peter Pan.
And when they read, "the end." he'd say, "Please, read it all again."
"This time a little slower if you can."

So they'd read it all again…and again and again and again
for that is what mothers and fathers do
because if it is loved by their son…and he is having fun
they find…they love it too.

When she was a but child her parents often smiled
when she wanted to climb their tallest tree.
She would climb up and down and then… say, "I want to climb again
there is still so much up there I want to see".

So they'd watch her climb again…and again and again and again
for that is what mothers and fathers do
because if it is loved by their daughter…when they stand under that tree and spot her
they find…they love it too.

But sons and daughters grow…as all parents know
for life is nothing if not fleet.
The woman and the man move on from climbing trees and Peter Pan
and keeping up with what they love's no easy feat.

So they watch and often worry as life seems to scurry
trying to love what they love too.
Their children may no longer heed them
but they will be there if they need them
for that is what loving parents do.

And though they're sad life moves so fast…from the present to the past
there is one thing that keeps parents happy too…
As they ride life's ebb and flow…they are overjoyed to know
the things their children love may change
but not the who.

And there will come a day…when they are old and grey…
(for this is exactly what parents do)
A day they'll look back when they can…
and remember climbing trees and Peter Pan
and they'll remember how they loved them too…

Thursday, January 30, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: parenthood,parenting,parents
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