Concentrated Guilt; Nurturing, Organized, And Temporarily Broken Poem by Dakota Ellerton

Concentrated Guilt; Nurturing, Organized, And Temporarily Broken

I looked in her eyes,
and saw her sadness.
This woman,
so frail, so alone.
She must be scared.
Her husbands left,
her limbs aren't as easy to control.
To lose everything so quickly,
in such a vulnerable state,
I could only imagine.
She taught me yoga a few times,
it seemed to be what she enjoyed.
We'd talk,
about how painful things can get.
Her husband, and her.
Her son, and I.
'If you aren't around there's no victum.'
She'd tell me.
I knew she was right.
But I'd not just leave her son in such state.
He needed me.
The way she needed him.
What is, love?
That is.
To put your fueds and feelings aside,
for theirs.
Still she sits and mopes,
cries herself to sleep.
I wish I could help this woman.
Lesbianism was in her mind,
but to move forward is so hard,
I couldn't blame her for giving up.
I'd of given up.
I only hope I could be as strong as she has been.
But I'd not rely so much on others,
I never could.
To build a life with someone else,
to trust someone so deeply.
Could you do that?

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