Cotton Vs Cowrie Shell (Lost Pages) Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Cotton Vs Cowrie Shell (Lost Pages)

in Oyotunji Village and Southwest Native Tribes (which we don't call us Native American as their is no such thing as American and we Cherokees or other tribe do your research)
cotton is not a divination tool
although the Cowrie Shell is...
and if you were miseducated by age groups and never educated properly then of course you will be at war against yourself no matter your deed with pride
see i never acknowledged "black culture" cause i'm not black...
Cherokee Akan Ewe and that's facts and truth in their english language
no God labeled me a color or Goddess either
information which got passed down to me was never mistaken or reflected as a fragment of mistaken identity nope

2018 and so on
people believe in what is most comfortable to em all
which is compliant to theie complacent personality of no responsibility
and my people we just simple keep growing and educating our youth
and see the difference in theirs vs is quite real
i done my studies objectively and subjectively
and how does cotton and cowrie shell fits into all of this? simple
without cotton you would still have that ignorance in your ears clogged
no towels to dry your human body off
socks for feet or shelter for your body which goes back to the basic necessities of a human being:
food water and shelter

Cowrie shell is still the most heavily requested of any tribe
and when you see our tribal clothing in the truck stops and off of many exits we have business to offer
those boots that you wear
we came with that concept
that jerky you eat
we made pemmican centuries ago from here to the land called Russia
most stories are fabricated
so when you meet an original the original corrects small talk conversation of how you thought you was flaming in your sleeping fantasy
entertainment i never understood it
my GreatGrandMutha always told us to go outside and play with reality as i know reality now
the teevee was bad and still is now
i can farm and garden while entertainers struggle to stockpile
i got my own language now
what are the main ingredients of a culture?
you got cotton down here?
many stay imprisoned in these prisons within SC and all the way to NC
where combined has the most prisons in the whole United States
out of two states
yeah thats your two thoughts
a prostitute getting hard earned cotton for sex she thought was really worth her pleasure
now imagine feminist wanting a piece of the pie?
oh me oh my what idiots are made of for the power and greed
lights camera actions
and geah don't forget to put on your makeup
cause an entertainer can make you dance
throw dem stacks in the air
both parties don't care
they on the same team
mobbing day and night
protected by citizens with bulletproof vests
and a glock on their waistside
you dumb fool on the poster
you still just a dream
and tell em royal fool
you can make em dance
while my cotton bloom to make bales
studying law prevails
Black's diction
while everybody remain descendants of just fiction....

oh my GrandMutha use to tell me about those cotton picking days...yeah i got much information from a real fieldperson and even in Soul form now they look at you as just a house negro and another cracker descendant and um please don't be offended cause i have no sins or virtues with we ain't going to heaven or hell with you...immah stay real than be fake and across your eyes everyday and night are those lost pages
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