Covid Justified: Dictatorship In New Zealand Poem by Terence George Craddock

Covid Justified: Dictatorship In New Zealand

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revisiting social etiquette
basic requirements
in civilized society

due to shock assaults
on established freedoms
freedom of movement

the right to control
what enters own body
personal health rights

present dictatorship
Labour kiwi government
adopts Nazi Communist

extreme control measures
forced vaccination requirements
or sacked zero employment

of all front line health workers
all supermarket essential workers
all necessary essential workers

no rights to worship in churches
no rights to eat in cafes restaurants
no rights to drink in social gatherings

Jacinda Ardern wages cruel vicious media wars
target her selected citizens enemy unvaccinated
goal lock up in homes deprived of freedom rights...

war is media declared on unvaccinated
unvaccinated are vilified targeted persecuted
constantly shamed despised attacked

rogue new hate racism is vaccinationism
new hate victims are citizens unvaccinated
hate executed extreme prejudice justified

exhibited appalling intolerance examples
an inhuman lack of compassion inflicted
upon unvaccinated NZ citizens encouraged

despite the fact vaccination is dangerous
terminal to severe immunity deficiencies
Jacinda Ardern vaccinationism is relentless...

families were prohibited
from visiting dying relatives
in lock down rest homes

in public hospitals during lockdown
when a simple issue of PPE gear
would have safely allowed this

not only could suffering grieving
immediate family relatives not
say goodbye to dying close family

they were also prohibited
from attending funerals
respect grief final farewells

even under more humane
new level 2 Covid lockdown
my aunt had a choice of 5

of 15 close family members
at my Uncle Joe's funeral locked
out of final farewell despicable...

danger extremely serious
covid issues involved citizens
law locked out of countries

locked out of their own country
unable by cruel law to return home
many locked out over 18 months

extreme difficulty getting flights
to arrive within their limited MIQ spot
enter lottery if not law elite exempt

New Zealanders were arrested
imprisoned overseas when their visas
ran out faced extreme financial

hardship cruel heartless cindy government offered
no support zero support overseas citizens abandoned
dictatorship rule of a self proclaimed bubble head...

Jacinda disaster heads leaper leech labour government
which stupid forced out 1500 medical staff for failing
to get mandated vaccines including surgeons, doctors,

nurses, midwives; understaffed health service is failing
urgent all operations canceled long suspended critically
ill citizens on operation waiting lists suffered withered died

stark message issued no healthcare
is better than unvaccinated healthcare
put a plaster on limbs accident severed...

it is illegal for unvaccinated teachers
to turn up at their own local schools
government rants pupils ring police

if unvaccinated teachers arrived at schools
we will arrest persecute imprison criminals
who dare defy our sacred dictatorship rules...

trunk drivers have an extension
on mandated required vaccination
until November 29 because needed

trunk drivers shortage is too great
police military had members forced
out of esteemed service employment

army is decimated
by 10% after having spent
18 months running

Cindy pet MIQ facilities
as mere security guards
often away from families

army is no longer fit
for purpose in any large scale
overseas deployment

requires 3 years minimum
to recover even if adequate funded
too many essential NCOs left...

strange butcher's shops must be closed
fruit and vegetable shops must be closed
liquor stores outlets must all be closed

corner stores dairies small shops must be closed
strange it is safe to buy meat fruit and vegetables
liquor in supermarkets; closed businesses bankrupt...

supermarket staff businesses
are next government target
despite a promised freedom

if 90% of public got vaccinated
a traffic light system will be introduced
in December to strip unvaccinated

of right to enter most businesses
like restaurants, cafes, pubs, hair dressers,
cinemas, libraries public events etc

it is called the great covid lay off
freedom is facing an extinction event
Cindy proud dictates communist...

Cindy hires over 500 political spinners
to media sing Cindy is so wonderful great
web disease toxic intolerance persists

Jacinda Ardern has dictator created toxic hate
dissatisfaction resentment discontentment
festers protesters gathered Cindy haters jailed

pretend mask neo-kindness smiles
500 hired political love Cindy spinners
cannot save cindy from dissenters

persecuted will launch counterattacks
victim toxic social media hate spews
Cindy cooked own goose covid agenda

future predictions
cruel covid chaos
will be clean written

out of sanitized kiwi history
food prices will rocket soar
why agricultural workers

were locked out of New Zealand
vegetables fruit rotted on farms
growers deliberately bankrupted

increase poverty increase inflation
make citizens dependent on government
subsidies an old underhand control trick

revisiting social etiquette
basic enlightened requirements
in harmonious civilized society...

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Complete version of the split images 'Covid Home Lock Ups: Deprived Of Freedom Rights', 'Covid War Media Declared: On Hated Unvaccinated', 'Covid Locked Out: Forbidden Final Farewell', 'Covid Locked Out: Of Own Country', 'Covid War Waged: Upon Unvaccinated Medical Staff', 'Covid War Waged: Upon Unvaccinated Teachers', 'Covid War: Trunk Drivers Exempt: Army Decimated', 'Covid War Waged: Upon Small Businesses', 'Covid War Waged: Upon Supermarket Staff: Persecutions Increase' and 'Covid Jacinda Ardern: Image Sanitized Clean Up', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Written in November 2021 on the 27.11.2021?
Denis Mair 02 April 2023

The social policies observed are tense, clenched, convulsive, imperious; the social realities perceived are claustrophobic, desperate, abject.

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Denis Mair 02 April 2023

How on earth did you develop such a style? Slicing and dicing and improvising structures on the fly; leaping rails with cogency intact; turning actions into extended modifiers. Syntactic subversion or infra-mince? Mortise-and-tenon craftsmanship or freehand brushwork?

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