Crazy Free Poem by Oge Nwankwo

Crazy Free

It's hard to pin down, hard to maintain
A thought of conclusion
Containment, a prison
When you think you know
Contradiction aligns with confusion
And together you are forced back
To exactly where you started before.
She is mad they say
Crazy when it comes to life
Yet some say she is quite sane
Even wise, they exaggerate
That is until her Wisdom collides with theirs
I smile while asking myself, why
It must be because she is undefined
Miscellaneous is her category
I am sorry I am more than one thing
I am sorry I am less than everything
So you call me mad and breathe a sigh of relief
Finally, you've found a category encompassing
Enough to contain all that I am
Which you cannot otherwise define…
But before my bed rest, I want to ask you why?
Is it because I speak right into your very eyes
A truth you know but have never been told?
Maybe the others cared less about you
Maybe they cared more…
Is it madness what you call it?
I choose to call it genuine
I choose to call it freedom
Unbound by your thoughts of what I should be
Unaffected by the strings and chains
Binding your mind to categories
Free your shackled mind my friend
You were created to be free
Free to act and react as you please
Free to be stubborn and free to submit
Free to be true to yourself and those around you
They deserve to experience Beautiful You…
Feel free in your confidence. Let conformers call it conceit
Feel free to want and need time to yourself one day
And yearn for company the next
Nothing you do or say has never been done or said before
So in this One life we have to live,
Live it in freedom
Freedom that breathes life into your true character
Freedom from attaining one from the invisible standards of a desperate society
A society that does not even know your inner-most yearnings.
A society that knows nothing of your struggles and insecurities.
Why leave something as precious as this, at the mercy of uncertainty?
Maybe I am a little crazy in your eyes
People tend to disregard that which they do not understand.
So while you quietly try to find a neat little spot for a character too vast for your categories, I will continue to be mad and crazy and different.
Living life with little constraints and unconditional integrity
Consider this madness…

*What is maddness but  nobility of the soul, at odds with circumstance*
Theodore Roethke~
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