These are special kinds of friends
No need to lie or be who you aren't
They take you for who you are
for they to are not perfect
They send smiles your way
and greet you every day
They applaud your accomplishments
and send roses by the dozen
They can stare at you when and however long they want
They wont no your secrets unless you tell them
They cant see the expressions on your face
**you spend long hours using all kinds of words
building up a friendship
that may never work
for where they tell you they are
may not be true
and when they send roses
it's not only to you
The kisses aren't real
cause their lips you can't feel
The letters are not warm
and is corny than corn
behind the computer you sit
and the enter key you hit
for days no end
chatting to your on line friends
Many thanks
**Asia jay**
You have caught the essence of our CyberVillage where the other villagers are your friends. You may never meet them. I have a 'twin sister' I have never met. They will make you grin or cry and send you tons of hugz and smilies. Mostly, your CyberFriends are nicer (and safer) than the real people outside your own door. Some are even keepers : -) Ted
A well written poem, yes it is really a contemporary importance, I agreed with you, thanks for sharing
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem