Daddy Poem by Brooke Luchich


Rating: 5.0

I don’t ever remember being daddies little girl like most girls do,
All of my friends have that memory and I just wish that I did to.
They talk about all the things them and their dad have done,
And sometimes I wonder to myself, where was all of my fun.
I used to be jealous of my friends and the perfect fathers they had,
But then I realised that I never missed out, I got a great dad.
He didn’t take me places or say I love you every second of the day,
But he did teach me to ride a bike and sometimes had time to play.
He never bought me a pretty white pony that I could name star,
But he did buy me my very first phone and my very first car.
He couldn’t pick out clothes I liked or do my hair in a braid,
But he did get me my very own puppy on our trip to Adelaide.
He didn’t always come to school things or take me to the show,
But when I was scared he let me in the bed even when mum said no.
He didn’t always take me everywhere when he went out during the day.
But he did take me on a trip to see my sister when she moved away.
He wasn’t always there when I got hurt to put a bandaid on my knee,
But he let me sleep with my light on if I’d watched a scary movie.
He didn’t take me to fancy places where they give you all you could want.
But his roasts dinners could easily beat anything they cook at a restaurant.
Now that I’ve grown up, I look back and I guess I can’t complain,
He taught me things, helped me and loved me even when I was a pain.
So I wasn’t the apple of my dads’ eye or the princess he did everything for.
But I still have a dad who loves me and I couldn’t ask for any more.

Milica Franchi De Luri 08 September 2009

You wrote a very good poem Brooke, it shows that you have great skills, so keep on the way, you have a great dad,95 % of people don't get from their dads what you are your dad

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