Dark Poems Are A Mood Thing Poem by Shaun Cronick

Dark Poems Are A Mood Thing

Rating: 5.0

Writing a dark poem for me,
Is all about mood.
What mood am in?
If I'm happy,
At one with the whole universe around me.
Well they speak for themselves.
But if,
I'm dog tired,
My mood is dark.
If something bad(very rarely)has happened,
At the museum where I work,
My mood is dark.
If some idiot driving down,
The motorway is cutting every one up,
My mood is dark.
And if I'm just in a dark mood,
I guess my mood is dark.
Sometimes, which is most times when I'm happy,
It's because I know how to wrap a dark poem.
Simply highlight and shadow.
The truth is...
The ratio is so much more than ten to one
There is far much more light in my mood and writing,
Than fathomless darkness.
And I'm glad it's that way.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: dark,light,poem,poems,writing
Rose Marie Juan-austin 11 February 2020

Dark poems are hard to write. There is that class of people who are really good with this theme. They are truly gifted with great imagination. A wonderful poem well crafted and conveyed. Glad to know you are working in a great Museum, Shaun. I always like Museum. You can see many things and gain tremendous knowledge.

7 0 Reply
Shaun Cronick 12 February 2020

Thank you Rose Marie for your kind and always warmly welcomed comments. And I do love to write a dark one from time to time, which the good people in the museum love to read maybe its a Welsh thing! ! ! And I'm so lucky to work there with so many fantastic caring people around me. Thanks again good Rose Marie and take care in these winter months.

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Lyn Paul 11 February 2020

" and I'm glad its that way" I am glad I have read this poem as interesting to read of the changes of your mood. Even more interesting working at a Museum. Thank You

5 0 Reply
Shaun Cronick 11 February 2020

Thank you Lyn for your kind comment. I would mention the name of the magnificent museum where I and over 120 good people work. And forgive the pun its not me being moody about it just private. The only clue I'll give you is that it recently won a Museum of the Year Award here in the U.K. I am so fortunate to work there with wonderful people around me. Thanks again Lyn and take care.

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