Dead Nights Poem by Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Dead Nights

Rating: 4.8

Dark clouds run to cover sun's face,
With sparkling lights to join the race,
Descending on earth with malign intent,
Fear, destruction all with dreaded content,

Pin dropp silence in midst of night,
Not a ray of hope or slight light,
Little scuffle or fierce fight,
All noticed with powerful sight,

Dead night represent people pessimist,
No hope of revival as done by optimist,
Passim is t wait for ship to be sunk,
Optimist tries to drag even if drunk,

One remains always awake
Even nothing is at stake,
Person with controlled wishes,
Even water is disturbed with movement of fishes,

Holy soul departs at mid night,
Path is set with precision and right,
Evil doer's absence may not be missed,
Good and light will always be noticed,

Nights represent bleak future and gloom,
Even flowers feel shame and not boom,
All wrong doings done at night,
People may thin it is path right,

Night is not all that bad,
Proper time to remain calm and sad,
All energy to cool and find some rest,
Preparation for next day's fight for best,

Dead Nights
Twinkle Vohra 17 September 2009

Night is not all that bad, Proper time to remain calm and sad, All energy to cool and find some rest,

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Sangita Rao 17 September 2009

Dark clouds run to cover sun’s face, With sparkling lights to join the race, Descending on earth with malign intent, Fear, destruction all with dreaded content,

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Suresh Vakil 30 July 2009

Dark clouds run to cover sun’s face, With sparkling lights to join the race, pin dropp silence indead nights...10

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Vinod Karmakar 31 July 2009

Dark clouds run to cover sun’s face, With sparkling lights to join the race, pin dropp silence in nights observed all the time...10

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Santoksingh Jadeja 02 August 2009

Dark clouds run to cover sun’s face, dead silence in night...10

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Dr Dillip K Swain 08 March 2021

Pin drop silence in the midst of midnight... great expression! An excellent poem!

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Richard Wlodarski 20 January 2017

If not for the night, when would most of us dream? And if not for dreams, would we go insane?

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Allie Rodriguez 19 September 2009

Very descriptive and very beautiful. :) Allie♥

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Nagesh Ratnavelu 17 September 2009

Dead night represent people pessimist, No hope of revival as done by optimist, Passim is t wait for ship to be sunk,

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Sunita Rao 17 September 2009

Pin dropp silence in midst of night, Not a ray of hope or slight light, Little scuffle or fierce fight,

0 0 Reply
Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Vadali, Dist: - sabarkantha, Gujarat, India
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