Death Comes Life Taking Not Long Before Dawn Poem by Terence George Craddock

Death Comes Life Taking Not Long Before Dawn

Rating: 5.0

death comes fever hot in night sweats clamping wet
death comes creeping cold in nights winter shiver sold
death comes flesh seeking in hot summer stifling heat
death comes taking just before waking morning light

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Inspired by the poem 'Der Tod, Das Ist' by the poet Heinrich Heine.
Dedicated to the poet Heinrich Heine.
Split image from the poem 'Life Pooled In Days Spent Life Time Evaporated' by the poet Terence George Craddock.
Written in January 2017 on the 21.1.2017.
Mj Lemon 07 February 2017

Amazing write! Perhaps death comes many times, but is rebuffed. When the moment comes for a meeting, he can only be greeted that one time. Unlike our human institutions, he takes only on that one occasion.

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Terry Craddock 07 February 2017

I was close to drowning once, in trouble a few times in my teenage sport of swimming the Buller River in flood from pile to pile, the old woooden bridge; run down by cars on a motorcycle twice, once a car not stopping coming off a highway, head straight into the road, went to bed Friday night and woke up on the Tuesday afternoon the next week, months of nose bleeds,2 years of hearing speech memory problems; once hit from behind on a corner by a distracted driver, rehab spine stretched back out,2 years of stiff corset with rods, cars always win these encounters right or wrong; but I worked with a man who died twice of a heart attack and was revived with electric shocks, the third time he stayed dead; sometimes occassionally death gives second chances. But riding motorcycles was living, an incredible quality of life, among the best most worthwhile things I ever did and never hit when riding fast, only slow at in city speeds, proving the quick are not hit from behind. And if anyone wants to know how it feels to ride in mountains in the Southern Alps of New Zealand in the winter with snow on the highway, part of that is in the poem 'Homeward Bound' if you want to look it up.

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