Did Technology Change Never? Poem by David Knox

Did Technology Change Never?

Never is the opposite of forever
And yet never always lasts forever
Even though never is the inverse of eternity
Eternity is the duration of non-existent time of never

Never is what I speak of
And like eternity never too is unchangeable
Yet technology comes close

I will never see this friend again
I will never talk to this person again
We will never speak again
We can never speaks again
We never want to speak again
What kind of never is never when convenience is a weapon
When convenience and technology allow us to communicate instantly
How is it that we could never talk again
I can talk to you whenever I want
In fact and sadly you cannot stop me
It's scary, It's stalking, It's illegal, It's immoral
It's insensitive, It's counter-cultural, It's awkward,
But It's possible
Possible is the issue, because possible destroy never
What does never mean without enforcement?

Now consider this: I may think I can never see my friend again
But I can speak to them through the internet any second
Try counting to ten
Before then I will speak to them on each second
And They will hear, they may not respond but contact was made
Even though distance, preference, and life may separate us
With the internet and even postage we can talk
It's scary to think all the people in my life I try to forget about
I move on from, I can talk to without a doubt
It's funny to realize anyone can contact me anytime indefinitely
And the same goes for them
Are we even apart?
Aren't we all here all the time?
Or maybe we're all never here
Maybe the internet does not connect us
Or maybe we'll never let it
Because we're scared that if we do then never
Never will cease to be
And that can never happen

Will you talk to me again...
Let's talk about never.

David Knox

David Knox

does it matter?
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