Digital Smoke: Mind Of The Masses' Programmed Thinking (Dedicated To Malcolm X Before He Got Assassinated For Organizing True And Factual War Criminal Charges Against His Oppressor Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Digital Smoke: Mind Of The Masses' Programmed Thinking (Dedicated To Malcolm X Before He Got Assassinated For Organizing True And Factual War Criminal Charges Against His Oppressor

If you grow up
and continue to be better than your last times
which perfectly natural
then that is revolution
which means it is chaos
do not grow up as that counts as terrorism
and would lead to order out of chaos
so if you have children
please snatch them out of school now and keep them uneducated
oh wait a minute...
thats already happening

I bet nature should stop in its evolution too
so no one can have oxygen again
praise every lord and god goddess be
for the holiest vision of wisdom i just saw
make me the medium between organized religion and common sense
and tell me and the people.. where is revolution in evolution of nature?
Is nature planning an out attack on society by naturally growing up?
Wow really?
So if you send your child to UNAM or Harvard is that evolution or revolution?
Seriously? Okay somehow where did paranoia and stereotypes meet when you... oh i get now again lie!
In 2018 if you lie then that is telling the Truth so yeah
form a protest against all K-12 and let the signs say "Our Youth Don't Need Education, We Need Nothing To Grow Up, Anything Else Will Cause Chaos, Because Inside We Have A Gene Called Revolution"

Let me know when science finds a gene called Revolution
through Stem Cell Research
let me know and the indigenous At Risk and Juvenile Youth...
in the meanwhile do not evolve
as you have the right to remain silent
anything you say will be used against you in the court of law....

Monday, May 14, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: real life,real success
Digital Smoke
Error Success